10 Life Lessons That Will Change Your Life_In the News

10 Life Lessons That Will Change You

Every now and then, we find extra incentive to take stock of our lives. We think about the lessons we have learned along the way.  It shows up in many different ways.

Maybe a person takes a few moments to regularly assess where they are, who they are, and how they came to get there. It is as much a part of their normal routine as brushing their teeth or going to the gym.  Others do this less regularly (often after periods of stress, or loss, or other dark times).  Regardless of the circumstances, its important to take some time to reflect and assess what we’ve learned.

After a recent series of six (!!) memorial services, (5 human, and 1 feline) in  two-months, it was my time. Before, during, and still I cannot help but contemplate what matters most, and being reminded of a few life lessons that have truly defined me.

  • Uphold your integrity. Be known as the person with an exceptional work ethic and high integrity.  Take ownership and never "throw anyone under the bus." Always follow-through on your promises. Communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully.
  • Don’t fear the unknown. Life is full of twists and turns.  Some we may anticipate and prepare for, others we cannot possibly foresee.  Try not to worry about the unexpected or panic about change.  Instead, welcome the growth and new opportunities.
  • Always keep learning. A great quote by Jane Fonda sums it up: “Stay curious, keep learning and keep growing.  And always strive to be more interested than interesting.”
  • Kindness matters. Lead by example and with an open mind. View others with compassion and empathy. Self-centeredness is not attractive.  Generosity of time and spirit, on the other hand, is a very good look.
  • Maintain balance in life. I recently realized that I had become so accustomed to working around the clock that I hadn’t done anything beyond work and daily home-life routine maintenance for months and months (and months) on end.  When I tried to envision turning that around, I realized that the vision of a more balanced life was steadily becoming more difficult to see.  Since then, my mission has been better personal balance - to say yes to my soul more and reconnect with friends, family, and the rest of the world (esspecialy my dog.)
  • Nurture your relationships. I have found that there is a tremendous reward in nurturing personal and professional relationships.  Take the time to invest in people at a deeper level.  Become a great listener. Touch base to check in and say hello, just because.  Forward a link to an article you read that reminds you of them.  Avoid superficial interactions.  Be genuine and connect deeply.
  • Cultivate your interests outside of work. Pursue a hobby.  Contribute your time, talents and/or resources to helping make your community stronger. This will allow you to create a life that is well-rounded, purposeful, and fulfilling.
  • Take great care of your health. We’ve all experienced the difference between stepping out into the world after extended stints of ‘burning the candle at both ends’ versus being well-nourished and well-rested.  Make it a top priority to tend to your health.  Nourish, exercise and rest your body and mind and attend to your emotional and mental health.  There is no greater investment that one can make than to do this.
  • Know your values … and stay true to them. Visualize your values as your personal and professional roadmap.  Know what you stand for (and what you don’t) and live your life accordingly. Only then can you find clarity, confidence, and purpose.

Consider reading and being inspired by The Four Agreements. During a period of high stress in my life last year, a good friend recommended reading this powerful little tome written by Don Miguel Luiz.  It put quite a few things into much-needed perspective.  I was immediately inspired to keep in mind his wise advice to: 1) Be Impeccable with Your Word; 2) Don’t Take Anything Personally; 3) Don’t Make Assumptions; and 4) Always Do Your Best.


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