How to Close the Interview with Class

It can be unsettling to leave a job interview wondering where you stand with the hiring manager.  Luckily, there are techniques you can use to close an interview which will accomplish two things; the hiring manager will know that you want the job, and you will leave knowing the next steps in the hiring process. To help you prepare to close with class, we have put together some questions and tips that will set you up for success:


If you are interested in the position, make sure you let the interviewer know. If you feel the position is attractive and you want it, say something like: "I'm very impressed with what I've seen here today (insert something specific); your company (what about the company), its products (specific product/services), and the people I've met (if you only met the hiring manager, express your excitement to join the team). I am confident I could X (what can you do for the company to help them meet their goals) in the role you've described to me."

You can follow this up with some questions:

  • What is the next step in the interview process? This will help you uncover if they have more candidates to interview and possibly, how soon they will make a decision.


  • How do I compare with other qualified candidates? This question will make the hiring manager think about whether or not you are the best fit for the role.


  • What do you think about me as a candidate based on my background and skills as they relate to the role? This question will give you insight about whether or not the hiring manager believes you’re a good fit.


  • Given what we’ve just discussed during this interview, do you have any concerns about my fit for this position? This question is designed to uncover any issues that might hold the interviewer back from hiring you and gives you the opportunity to discuss those concerns before you leave the interview.


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