The Great Resignation

What happens to Employment after The Great Resignation?

People have been leaving their jobs in record numbers since the start of the pandemic, but don't mistake the symptom for the disease. The pandemic simply fueled the growing employment unrest with the gift of time. Time with family and friends, time to reflect, even time won back from a daily commute. And people took that time to reflect on their work-life. As a result, many realized how frustrated they were and decided to reprioritize. In some cases that meant a drastic change. And so, the "Great Resignation" began... and is still going strong.

But make no mistake – the Great Resignation by another name is “The Great Reshuffle” – because people aren’t leaving jobs, especially white collar jobs, and doing nothing – they are looking for better jobs, better circumstances. So how can organizations position themselves to be a destination, rather than a cautionary tale? And, how can individuals be sure they end up in the right place to fuel their growth and passion?

Organizations will need to embrace a new philosophy of employment

Talent is no longer a commodity. It's simply not just about money anymore. Compensation will play an even less significant role as organizations focus on hiring talent who will embrace a culture rather than maximizing price. Employees want to feel valued by their employer - and smart Employers won't want to lose valued and sought-after employees again. To ensure that happens they'll need to offer more than money and security. They will need real value in benefits, perks, and opportunities for advancement... even happiness.

To accomplish this, they will need to ditch resume-driven hiring.

By focusing on a candidate with the right skills for their position and then offering that person a philosophy of employment with benefits, perks, and advancement opportunities that align with their goals – an organization can attract the type of talent who is now willing to wait for those things rather than settling for a job that's just a means to an end. They will need to find out how their candidate feels about work-life balance, benefits, advancement opportunities... and happiness in general because when talent is not a commodity any longer, organizations will see greater success.

Another important consideration for hiring organizations is to offer more flexible,  hybrid working models. During the Pandemic, many people realized that they could live their daily “work” lives without ascribing to the 9 to 5, in-office parameters, and actually be more productive in a flexible working environment. In fact, companies who have implemented a hybrid model of work - where employees work at home some of the time or on the go at least one day a week - have noted increases in productivity, morale and creativity. That is why over 75% of companies now offer some kind of telecommute work arrangement. If you’re not one of them your likely one of the organizations losing talent.

Individuals will Discover their employment passion and live it

Finding, researching, and applying for jobs can be exhausting. It may be one of those distasteful tasks we tend to put off as long as possible, if not avoid altogether. We dread having to apply for yet another job through an online portal. Once again typing in our resume, answering all those questions, uploading our cover letter... And waiting days or weeks only to hear nothing back yet again. But there's hope - because Great Resignation has forced us to think past current limitations and explore our options.

Finding employment passion is a key step. But many people don't know where to start searching for it. What they might enjoy, or, if there is such a thing as "employment passion."

That said, this quest will be the most rewarding work you've ever done. It will bring you closer to those you're meant to work with. So, ask yourself, what are you not getting from your job that you want? Is it a better boss, more money, more appreciation, teamwork… only you know what will work for you.

Once you've answered these questions, you will be able to pinpoint what kind of company or organization you'd like to join - and more importantly why. This last step is key because it means knowing your worth…knowing yourself…and recognizing that this particular position is not about your resume… it's about who you are. Your employment journey has made you into an expert on YOU! And that's where true value resides.

What happens after The Great Resignation? Individuals and Organizations will take control and set realistic expectations. They will devise employment situations that fit the need, rather than the mold.


Lisa Crockett is a leader and professional development coach with more than 20 years of experience in Human Resources, Learning, and Performance. To learn more about her professional career visit her on LinkedIn.

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