Interviews: Seven Ways to Crush Your Interview in 2021

Interviews: Seven Ways to Crush Your Interview in 2021

You landed an interview! Don’t panic—prepare. Here are some ideas to get your head in the interview game. Be confident, be yourself and be primed for a good performance.

1. Study.

Do your homework on the position offered, the company and the people you will be speaking to during the interview. Explore their website and related media (Google it!). If possible, network and connect with someone who works or worked there for a personal perspective.

2. Prepare for this open-ended request.

“Tell me about yourself…” This means your professional self not your personal life. You should elaborate on your resume with a focus on why you transitioned to each company, what you learned in each role, how you improved any processes, saved them money or time. This question is designed to give you the opportunity to articulate how you would add value to this new company. Then formulate your answer, trying to reach a balance that is neither too boastful or too humble. Check out this article to help you get prepared… What to say when asked “Tell Me About Yourself” in an Interview).

3. Try a little role reversal.

 If you can ask this million-dollar question before they start asking you about yourself, you will indeed be set up for success. “What was it about my resume that piqued your interest?” You might be surprised by the answer…or you might not, but either way, knowing what they consider your strengths will allow for you to expand upon those qualities when answering their questions. Being able to follow up on this with ease means you need to know your own strengths (and weaknesses)—especially as they apply to the position for which you are interviewing.

4. Practice for pressure.

A hiring manager will want to learn more about how you perform under pressure, your character, and your integrity. So, they will probably ask some challenging questions. Review common interview questions, prepare some answers and have someone ask them in a mock interview. You can even record these in order to self-critique and improve. Here is a list of 22 Behavioral Interview Questions.

5. Look the part.

Even if you’ve seen this company’s employees in khakis and knit shirts, wear professional attire. We always say, you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Bring a folder with copies of your resume, pen and paper. Arrive a little early. Sit up straight, smile, maintain eye contact.

6. Ask questions.

Show your motivation and curiosity. Prepare at least 5 questions to ask the hiring manager during your interview. They should be thoughtful and express your interest in the company. Two of our top favorites;

  1. What attracted you to this company and what do you love about working here?
  2. How would you know if someone was successful in this role? What would success look like 30, 60, 90 days in?

Here are some additional recommendations:  15 Interview Questions to Ask the Hiring Manager

7. Close with class.

Try to wrap up the interview in a positive manner, even if you’re not sure you want the position. But if you do, make your interest clear. Here are some tips to let the hiring manager know your intentions, find out where you stand and what’s next: How to Close the Interview with Class. Don’t forget to say thank you and shake hands.

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